2013 testimonial/review/GPS track

2013 testimonial/review
Mtn Bike - Spring Chicken 50km, by Tall Tree Cycles, Ottawa, ON

2013 testimonial/review
Trail Run - Spring Chicken 50km , by Derreck Spaff

Trail Run - Spring Chicken 50km, by Sara Montgomery

2011 Review

My trip report from last year:

“It has been my experience that grassroots communitysupported events like this one are some of the best events that one canattend. This one didn’t disappoint and is a great early season event.

The event was easy to find and bib pick up went really smoothly. There were lots of volunteers and everything was well organized. To be honest being only the 2nd year for the event I expected a little disorganization. I didn’t see or experience any.

Having not ridden in this area I really didn’t know what to expect. The event was described as a 50 km enduro comprised of singletrack, double track, atv trails, gravel road and paved road. After reading the FAQs I even contemplated taking the Cyclocross bikes. After soliciting a recommendation from the organizer I decided to stick with the mountain bikes. This was a good decision. I’ve used a cross bike in XC Mtn bike races in the past and in my opinion this course really wasn’t suited to a cross bike (experts excepted).

The course was a good mixture of everything and a lot more climbing than I had anticipated. The climbs were fun except when I picked the wrong line and dabbed. That was OK except when I looked back to see my 12.9 year old son had picked a better line and scooted past me up the hill…a little humbling. When you see atv trails in a course description you know what to expect…massive areas of trail trenched from tree line to tree line on either side, full of water and lots of mud. If you don’t want to get wet and muddy then you’re probably in the wrong event. Some of these areas could be ridden, others had to be walked and one had that sticky mud that just kept building up on the tire until it stopped the bike. The route was very scenic and in addition to the trails and roads the course crossed a few meadows. It seemed that just when I was really getting tired of the mud we’d pop out onto a road and similarly when I was getting tired of the road we’d turn back into the woods. The course was front end loaded with most ofthe more difficult trail sections before the half. The one exception was a particularly muddy section with lots of large trees down after last week’swind. There was lots of walking and lifting the bikes in this section. I was glad to pop out on the road after this section.

My biggest pet peeve in any event is trail markers. I figure if you’re going to put an event on you should invest a lot of time ensuring the riders can’t get lost. I’m happy to say the course marking was outstanding. A distance indicator or two would have been handy but then again I could have brought a GPS or bike computer.

The feed station was a nice addition this year. Although we had lots of bars in our camelbacks we really appreciated the bananas, oranges, homemade cookies, pretzels and bars etc. at the feed station. Mitchell and I were the last two through and it was still well stocked when we got there. I’m not sure if this was planned but after we went through the couple manning the station packed up and moved the feed station to another location (just outside of town)…brilliant. Mitchell & I were planning to stop when we turned off the road for a snack anyway and as we approached the turn there they were. We didn’t squander the opportunity and took good advantage of the hospitality. It was timely.

Mitchell & I were the second last to finish and there were still quite a number of people around with enthusiastic applause as we crossed the finish. There were still lots of food and drink left at the finish.

After we got cleaned up it was off to the arena in Beachburgfor the awards and bakeoff. There was pizza, chilli, baked beans, a bake sale and a cooler of pop & beer for the participants (no charge…you have to love events like this). The bake off looked to be fun. Mitchell andI left just as the judging was finishing up because he had homework to do but next time I might submit an entry.

Overall Mitchell and I had a great day finishing the event in approximately 4 hours 45minutes. Mitchell was the only rider under 15 this year. I think we’ll have to see if we can convince a couple of his friends next time.”


  1. Here are more GPS tracks and a testimonial from a middle of the packer on the 2013 50 km Enduro.

  2. I'm thinking of entering this year "only a few days left to register"
    What type of rider are you? I'm still debating if I'll sign up for the 25K or the full 55K. I usually ride at Kingdom Trails in Vermont and we usually only last about 25hrs but it's constant climbing and descents.
